Worship songs

Praise the Lord, children of most high God. Please listen and enjoy the songs

by Masen Angeline Mokana.

Song – King of Kings by Masen Angeline Mokana – 8 yr old

Song – Great things by Masen Angeline Mokana – 9 yr old.

Million little miracles

Praise God, Children of most High God. This is a song that God led me to sing for KFJ. Wishing you million miracles in Jesus – Yohanan

KFJ – Episode 12

Dear Kids,

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus. I would like to share a message with you from the Word of God. Stay safe and blessed – Daniel

KFJ Episode 11 – Life is a gift

Dear Children of the most High God,

Life is a precious gift by God. Let’s celebrate together the gift of life in a special way. God bless you. – Yohanan