Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14
Welcome to our site. A fun and cool place for kids. The kingdom of God belongs to little children. The mission and aim of this ministry is to let the children -know Jesus, share Jesus, obey Jesus and follow Jesus.
Posts and Resources Word time Quiz and games
Happy Easter message
Dear Kids, Greetings and blessings in the name of our precious saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. This is a special KFJ message on Resurrection and its significance to us children …
Happy new Year 2024
Dear KFJ family, I would like to share a special message and wishes for a Happy New Year. God bless you. – Yohanan
Christmas Special
Dear Kids, This is a special episode of KFJ for sharing the joy and meaning of Christmas. Please watch,share and celebrate Jesus – the reason for Christmas – KFJ Team
How to spend quality time with God
Praise the Lord friends, I have made an animation video on how to spend quality time with God. Please watch, share and enjoy your quality own me-time with God. God …
God knows your name
Dear Children of most High God, God knows each of us by name and has good plans for your life. Listen to this message and enjoy. Happy vacations and stay …
Happy Resurrection Sunday
Dear Kids, Wishing you all a very Happy Resurrection Sunday. Today, I would like to celebrate God's Resurrection with this wonderful message of our eternal hope in Christ. God bless …