
Praise God,

Isaiah 38:18-20
18 For the dead cannot praise you; they cannot raise their voices in praise.
Those who go down to the grave can no longer hope in your faithfulness.
19 Only the living can praise you as I do today. Each generation tells of your faithfulness to the next.
20 Think of it—the Lord is ready to heal me! I will sing his praises with instruments
every day of my life in the Temple of the Lord.

As 2021 draws to a close, there’s an out burst of gratitude & appreciation from the depths of my heart for everything thing (both big & small) Jesus has done in my life. I thank him because inspite of all the chaos happening out there he’s provided, protected & has kept me, my household, my sisters in India & their families in good health, alive n well.
In October 2021 (to be precise my birthday the 18th October 😊) my entire household were tested positive with COVID. I thank God for yet again adding another year to my life, for the breath he put in our nostrils & his oxygen in our lungs. None of us needed to enter an ambulance, needed to be hospitalised or needed oxygen to survive. It was only God’s Favour, Grace n Mercy that was upon us. I don’t take things for granted but with a humble heart & an attitude full of gratitude I say thank you Lord for the gift of Life! Not everyone who had COVID made it but today here I am alive n well testifying the goodness of God & his miraculous works.
There is no testimony until you go through a test!

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. May his blessings flow from our home to yours & May you too experience God’s Favour, Grace n Mercy in a special way in 2022.

Anu Testimony

Praise the Lord.

I thank my Lord Jesus for He has been so good in my life and has done many many wonders for me. I am here because of his lovingkindness and would like to share my testimony for His glory.

Please see the video of my testimony.


To the ONE I owe it all to, my GOD & my KING!
I agree 2020 has been a different year for many of us.. I don’t know about you but as for me it’s a personal thing. I sincerely humbly thank God for counting me one among the living. I thank God that I was not added to their statistics even though my work involves coming in contact with a minimum of 30 different households together at a time, not knowing who is carrying what. It is not face masks or hand sanitizers that have protected me or kept me alive today. By the way, social distancing is just impossible with my job 😂😂😂
It’s only the precious blood of Jesus Christ that has not lost its power that has protected any plague from coming near my dwelling. His mercies are new every morning. He is true to his promise hence he has protected me, my mum & my family from unseen dangers Psalm 91:3-7.
Even though ‘twice’ the bubble that my daughter is in school had a positive case & she had to isolate for 14 days each time, she was perfectly fine & well only by the Grace of God! That was not all, she closed for Christmas on the 18th but I still received emails on the 20th, 22nd, 23rd Dec from her school saying, ‘we have been informed of another confirmed case of COVID-19 within the school’. It’s only God that has kept her safe, even though she was in the midst of it all without a choice.
In this year (especial this one) God did not hold back any good thing from me or my household. This I can testify with confidence because I am a beneficiary of the goodness of God!
With a grateful heart I want to say Thank you Lord, for bringing me out of unseen dangers that I was not aware of. Thank you Lord for making a way where there seems to be no way. Thank you Lord for every Red Sea that you parted & made me walk through. Thank you Lord for divine providence. Thank you Lord for divine protection. Thank you Lord for divine preservation. Thank you Lord for good health. Thank you Lord for counting us among the living. Thank you Lord for your goodness, your kindness & your mercies.
Good bye 2020, thank you for doing what you did & provoking God to pour down his blessing on me even more this year in particular. I am more than grateful 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Wish you all a Blessed, Healthy & Happy New Year 2021.

God bless you

Prayer Request

Testimony/Prayer Request:
Pray for Hannah to get a Suitable job with work visa  . Has  finished her Masters in distinction . She has applied for jobs her visa expires by March . Am her mom who has come  to visit Her a week ago   from TN . Also pray she gets a righteous man to marry .


Praise the Lord!..I am Sujatha and I am 36 years old.  I would like to testify about how God performed my wedding.

I was born in a Hindu family and accepted Jesus at the age of 14 years. I got baptized when I was 20. I come from a Saurashtra community.  My family members did not like me worshipping only Jesus Christ. They were fine with me embracing Christ as one of the gods. Real problems came when I had to get married. I had to face a lot of struggles to stand for Christ. My family members were hoping that one day I would step down and obey them. But by the grace of God I was able to stand for Christ until now. Days went by and I was getting old. In my Saurashtra community usually girls get married between the age of 25 to 28.  Things were difficult for me and I had to face a lot of situations where I was questioned. I love my family members and they love me so much but they didn’t like that I became a Christian and got baptized.  Once my Dad brought a Hindu proposal who matched all worldly criteria and I rejected that proposal because he was not a believer.  I was questioned by my Dad when I was 30 years old.  The question asked by my Dad was “Will your Jesus be able to provide a better match than this?”..and I replied “ Yes.. you wait and watch”.   My Dad asked me “With what confidence are you waiting”. And I replied “I will get married very nicely and you will see it”.

When I look back at the days when I walked alone and at the ways HE led me, I am amazed. The boldness and strength during the weary times came from GOD and I praise GOD for helping me to stand for Christ.

God had placed many people on my way who prayed for me and encouraged me. I thank God for Sister Colleen who encouraged me and prophesied over me in February 2020. She prophesied saying sounds of celebration will be heard in the seventh month.  I got engaged in July 2020 and got married in August 2020. The wedding happened quickly and nobody expected it to happen this way during the COVID-19 pandemic.

God is Good. HE performs wonders and HE works in ways that we cannot see. God blessed me with a God fearing husband and I had an arranged marriage arranged by GOD. And yes Jesus provided me with the best life partner. God acted on my behalf and shut down all the open questions. HE is mighty and all powerful. For those of you who are reading this, I testify that Jesus Christ never changes. HE never forgets us and HE never forsakes us. HE never ceases working on your behalf and HE is able to do things exceedingly and abundantly more than what we can imagine. When HE acts, no man can stop HIM. I thank GOD for all the people who prayed for me and encouraged me. Trust in Jesus. Please give it a try. HE is awesome.

– Sujatha


Praise the Lord! I would like to thank God for His abundance of goodness in my life. After finishing my online exams in May, I applied for my dream university which I have always desired to go to for a long time. I made phone calls here and there and they had certain requirements with my final first year grades at my current university and I started to doubt if I would get what they required as it was my first time I did my exams at uni. So I prayed and God gave me a vision and peace. It was my first time applying and usually it is done with someone’s help but I had no one to help me and was nervous and didn’t know what to do, at that time God said “I will instruct you”. I went ahead to apply and at the same time I withdrew from my current university and sent the letter off there, only to find out a few days later that I should’ve waited until I got confirmation from this uni I want to go to. I then received an email saying my current uni got my withdrawal form and if I wish to proceed with it I have a few days time to confirm and at that moment I didn’t know what to do so I prayed and God said “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” so I told Him I want to let the form go through. I risked it and I believed in what I prayed for that I will get a place and once my results came out last month I sent it to them and they got back to me today saying I have been accepted. I thank God so much for being with me through it all and helping me. God bless you all.