Praise the Lord! I would like to thank God for His abundance of goodness in my life. After finishing my online exams in May, I applied for my dream university which I have always desired to go to for a long time. I made phone calls here and there and they had certain requirements with my final first year grades at my current university and I started to doubt if I would get what they required as it was my first time I did my exams at uni. So I prayed and God gave me a vision and peace. It was my first time applying and usually it is done with someone's help but I had no one to help me and was nervous and didn't know what to do, at that time God said "I will instruct you". I went ahead to apply and at the same time I withdrew from my current university and sent the letter off there, only to find out a few days later that I should've waited until I got confirmation from this uni I want to go to. I then received an email saying my current uni got my withdrawal form and if I wish to proceed with it I have a few days time to confirm and at that moment I didn't know what to do so I prayed and God said "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it" so I told Him I want to let the form go through. I risked it and I believed in what I prayed for that I will get a place and once my results came out last month I sent it to them and they got back to me today saying I have been accepted. I thank God so much for being with me through it all and helping me. God bless you all.
Set Apart By His Grace
Jenisha Prince
