

Praise God, Isaiah 38:18-20 18 For the dead cannot praise you; they cannot raise their voices in praise. Those who go down to the grave can no longer hope in your faithfulness. 19 Only the living can praise you as I do today. Each generation tells of your faithfulness to the next. 20 Think of it—the Lord is ready to heal me! I will sing his praises with instruments every day of my life in the Temple of the Lord. As 2021 draws to a close, there’s an out burst of gratitude & appreciation from the depths of my heart for everything thing (both big & small) Jesus has done in my life. I thank him because inspite of all the chaos happening out there he’s provided, protected & has kept me, my household, my sisters in India & their families in good health, alive n well. In October 2021 (to be precise my birthday the 18th October 😊) my entire household were tested positive with COVID. I thank God for yet again adding another year to my life, for the breath he put in our nostrils & his oxygen in our lungs. None of us needed to enter an ambulance, needed to be hospitalised or needed oxygen to survive. It was only God’s Favour, Grace n Mercy that was upon us. I don’t take things for granted but with a humble heart & an attitude full of gratitude I say thank you Lord for the gift of Life! Not everyone who had COVID made it but today here I am alive n well testifying the goodness of God & his miraculous works. There is no testimony until you go through a test! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. May his blessings flow from our home to yours & May you too experience God’s Favour, Grace n Mercy in a special way in 2022.

Michelle Mokana

Set Apart By His Grace

Michelle Mokana

Praise God, Isaiah 38:18-20 18 For the dead cannot praise you; they cannot raise their voices in praise. Those who go down to the grave can no longer hope in your faithfulness. 19 Only the living can praise you as I do today. Each generation tells of your faithfulness to the next. 20 Think of it—the Lord is ready to heal me! I will sing his praises with instruments every day of my life in the Temple of the Lord. As 2021 draws to a close, there’s an out burst of gratitude & appreciation from the depths of my heart for everything thing (both big & small) Jesus has done in my life. I thank him because inspite of all the chaos happening out there he’s provided, protected & has kept me, my household, my sisters in India & their families in good health, alive n well. In October 2021 (to be precise my birthday the 18th October 😊) my entire household were tested positive with COVID. I thank God for yet again adding another year to my life, for the breath he put in our nostrils & his oxygen in our lungs. None of us needed to enter an ambulance, needed to be hospitalised or needed oxygen to survive. It was only God’s Favour, Grace n Mercy that was upon us. I don’t take things for granted but with a humble heart & an attitude full of gratitude I say thank you Lord for the gift of Life! Not everyone who had COVID made it but today here I am alive n well testifying the goodness of God & his miraculous works. There is no testimony until you go through a test! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. May his blessings flow from our home to yours & May you too...