Decree from Book of Philippians

Thanks and Praise:

                                Thank you Father, for sanctifying me in Christ. Thank you, for your grace and peace through my Lord and Saviour – Christ Jesus. Thank you for writing my name in the Book of Salvation. thank you for the fellowship in Christ’s Gospel.


                     Father, I am confident that you who had begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for making me a partaker of your Grace. I Pray and thank you for making your love abound more and more and that I may increase more in your knowledge and your discernment. Thank you for helping me to approve things that really matter for my spiritual edification and for keeping me so that I may be sincere and blameless till your coming..

                          Thank you Father for filling me with the fruits of Righteousness that is by Jesus Christ and for using me for the glory of God. Thank you for choosing me worthy for the advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dear Father! Let Christ manifest in all my actions and life. Let my conduct be found worthy of your Gospel. Thank you for considering me worthy as a believer and partaker in his sufferings. Let me not do anything in strife and vain glory. Fill me with the humbleness and the like mindedness of Christ who humbled himself and was obedient unto death. 

                          Thank you Father for exalting Christ above everything in Earth, in Heaven and under Earth. Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In this I rejoice as my horn is exalted in Christ for the praise of your glory. I thank you God for it is you who wills, and does his good pleasure in my life as I yield to your Holy Spirit, my Counsellor. 

                        Father, I pray that you give me the grace to do all things without strife and murmuring and preserve me morally pure and blameless in this corrupt world. Help me shine my light in this worldly life for your glory and praise. 

                           I rejoice in the Lord in all things. I shall worship you in the spirit as I am sanctified and sealed by your Spirit of truth. I shall not have confidence in the flesh and my own righteousness but in the righteousness of God through faith in Christ. I consider all things inferior to my pursuit of gaining Christ and knowing him intimately. I forget old things and things that are bygone and I shall press forward in the newness of life, and press forward to the high calling of God in Christ. I yearn to know more and more of Christ and the power of his resurrection (..turning dead situations to life by faith).

                                 I will not be like those who are controlled by worldly desires, who mind earthly things for I am not a citizen of this world. I am a citizen of Heaven and the child of God. I stand strong in my Faith in Christ and look unto my Lord and Saviour in all circumstances.

                                    I shall rejoice in my Lord always! And be careful for nothing. Everything that I need, I pray unto God and make my supplication with thanksgiving. And the peace of God, which the world cannot comprehend shall keep my heart and mind through Christ Jesus. I choose to occupy my mind and activities on those things that are pure, that are true, that are honest, that are worthy, just and of virtue. As I occupy my mind and actions with the right things, God’s peace (that surpasseth all understanding) shall be with me.

                      I am content with whatsoever I have and I abound with thanks to the Lord. I have no lack in my life. My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

                      I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me. I give glory and honour to God and Father. The grace and love of God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with me. Amen!