13 July 2024 sermon – Behold- It is very good

Audio sermon

Dear Beloved,

Pslams 95

How many times God said it was good

Genesis 1:4,10,12,18,21,25 and 31

31 Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!

This is the seventh month- Month of Divine advancement through divine alignment.

3 characters in the bible with significance to number 7.

  1. Naaman – Obedience;  2 Knings 5:1-14
  2.  Elijah -persistent prayer ; 1Kings 18:44
  3. Enoch – Walking in Faith; Hebrews 11:5-6

You shall laugh in famine.

All things work together for good for those who love their God

He will increase your greatness and shall comfort you on all sides.

We will see progression, elevation , advancement and lifting up in this month.

God bless you all. Amen!

06 July 2024 sermon – Divine alignment for divine advancement

Audio sermon

Dear Beloved,

God’s prophetic word for Month of July is the month of  divine advancement

God shall take you to another level another dimension in spiritual level. God – I donot want to be where I am. Position yourself in divine alignment for divine assignment

Trust in God alone. He is seated on the throne.

David was in divine alignment for Divine advancement

Psalms 23

John 10:11-18

Psalms 25:14

1 Samuel 16:16-18, 17:26,16:11-12

1 Samuel 23:1-14

David enquired God in all his actions(over 9 times)

I samuel 23:2

1 Samuel 30:5-9

2 Samuel 2:1

2 Samuel 5:17-21,22-25

God will give you the strategy. When God puts you into something, it is 100% success

This Month of July you are not doing anything without enquiring from God

Genesis 32:10,

Genesis 8:4 –

29 June 2024 sermon

Audio sermon

God makes a way where there is no way

With my God I shall do exploits for the kingdom of God.

Psalms 18:29


Psalms 119:105  Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path

Matthew 25:14-30 Parable of the talents

Take some time for your family, colleagues and your friends

He will make a way for you.

Psalms 60:12

Praise and worship

Praise will make way for you, open new doors for you

2 Chronicles 20: 9

Luke 1:34-45

Exodus 34:27-28

I shall be heard of in high places

Acts 5:14-16

You are God’s glory carrier. The hades of hell shall not prevail.



22 June 2024 Sermon – God has you in mind

Audio sermon

Proverbs 16:9
Proverbs 19:21
Genesis 37 – Joseph’s life – How God was with him and his counsel prevailed

1 Kings 8:56
2 Kings 6:15
Joseph’s life – Counsel of the Lord

Wherever God wants to place you . you will shine
He will exalt you
Make space for the move of God.

The thoughts of God are high thoughts for us. Its rewarding as it is in the will of God
2 Samuel 24:14
Isaiah 55:8,9
1 Chronicles 21:5, 13
Let the counsel of the Lord stand

Don’t be scared to take the decision. Don’t be scared to risk
To relocate – you should be a risk taker
Our Father lavishes gifts on Him – when you are obedient to him

If you have amajor decision to make today. Now is the season,..

CAreer – make the decision now. Investment – make the decision now
Fulfill the purpose in my life

Hebrews 11:39-40

39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.