New Year -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture is from Isaiah 43:18-21, John 2:1-10

I wish you A Glorious and a blessed new year 2019. The New year is filled with super natural surprises for you. He will do new things in your life. He has already given you victory over every challenge and situation. You  will take what is yours by fighting against every giant by holding on to  his word by faith and entering into deep prayer by praying in the spirit. live your life in line with Gods word in the fear of God. Follow the instructions God is giving you. This year be quick to do what He tells you to do and have the good and the best wine from the beginning of the year to the end. Walk by faith and live by faith. Knowing that The one who promised is able to perform. God bless you richly and abundantly.

Nov 28 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God.Scripture reading is from 2 kings 4 :8-38 & John 15:4-5

Make room for Him and he will make room for you. Abide in me and I will abide in you. The shunamite women did not want the prophet to be a visitor, she wanted him to dwell in her house. So she made room for him and made the place comfortable so that when he visits next time he would not only eat and drink but would rest in the place which she prepared for him. In our lives we have room for everything and we try to make room to fit all what we want and who we want and we got very little space for the Great I AM. Who has the power to do all things for us  and make all things possible. Give Him his space and make room for him and He will make room for all other things. The women made room for the prophet she received the impossible. When her child died she went back to the room and lay him down in that room. She declared it is well and saw all was well. Today make room for Him in complete surrender and He will make room for you. God bless you.

Nov 07 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is Psalms 18 :30; John 6:63 & Hebrews 4:12-13

The word of the Lord is proven. He is a shield to all who trust in Him. Hold on to His word and stand on His word. Do not compromise or settle for any thing less. What God has spoken He will surely do it. His word will surely come to pass. He will never fail you. Silence every other voice that is speaking to you by  the word of God. Abraham wanted to settle with Ishmael but God appeared to him at the age of 99 and told him that Ishmael  is not the covenant child and that He will give him a son from his loins and that he should walk blameless. God told Jacob I will be with you until I fulfil or I have done what  I have spoken. (Gen 28:15) Hannah holds  on to Gods word that Lord  your word says my womb shall be fruitful and not barren and I will be a joyous mother of Children. So shall I be. Even though her husband loved her a lot and told her he was to her more than 10 sons and gave her bigger portions than Peninnah. She did not settle for that but continued to pray and seek God through His word until she saw the word being established. Have you settled in life with  that which is not in line with Gods word and compromised by saying its not in Gods will. Become violent in prayer and take what the word of God says  by telling the enemy it is written and I shall have it. God bless you.

Nov 02 – Daily devotion

Praise the Lord, saints of the most  high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 107:20-22 and John 11:38-43

November is a season of restoration, a season to experience in-explainable miracles. God is going to manifest Himself, His power and might in hopeless and dead situation. In cases that have been written off by doctors. With men, it is impossible but with our God all things are possible to those who believe. We believe that our God can do everything and anything and with him all things are possible.  Eye has not seen, neither has any ear heard what God has prepared for those who love him. Job said with my ears I have heard but now my eyes see. We have heard God’s miracles and we have believed. Now God wants  to show us His in-explainable miracles. Our God can do so much more than what we can think of. Jesus is standing in front of Lazarus tomb four days later and saying to Martha “Did I  not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God? God is rolling away every stone that is blocking your miracle. Jesus stood in front of the tomb of Lazarus where he laid dead for four days and thanked His father for hearing his prayer. God wants you to look at that hopeless and dead situation or thing and start thanking God for hearing your prayers and then call it out from its present state to be what God called it to be. Jesus said Lazarus come forth. What ever God promised you, call it out into existence the things that do not exist and let His word be established. Then with Joy and rejoicing give him your praise and worship for what He has done. God bless you.

Oct 24 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from 2 Cor 10:3-6 & John 8:32

The word of God is the truth . It is full of life and it is spirit filled. The enemy just wants to get to your faith, steal, kill it or destroy it. Your faith is built on Gods word. Your faith is growing as you continue to read and meditate on Gods word. Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. The enemy will always try to manipulate Gods word like he did to Eve in the garden because she was not so sure of what God Had spoken. When Gods speak to us, we meditate on His spoken and written word day and night. For  our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. The word of God is a powerful weapon to wage war against satan. Through the word of God, you can silence battles in your mind. You can bring every thought, imagination against God into captivity to the obedience  of Christ. You can silence every lie through the truth that is the word of God. Every negative thought, we bring it under the subjection of the word of God. You take authority over situations and circumstances using the word of God. When you pray you use the word of God e.g., it is written or your word says, O Lord! that by your stripes, I am healed. You took all my transgressions on the Cross. You sent your word and healed all my diseases. Let not your prayer be empty words but let it be filled with Gods word and let your faith believe that I have prayed and so it is settled in heaven. Amen.

Oct 22 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading for today is Ephesians 1:4; John 15:16; Acts 9:15-16

You are chosen by God. He chose you and me before the foundations of the earth, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. He says in John 15:16 you did not chose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and your fruit should remain that whatever you ask the father in my name, He shall give you. You have been chosen to bear  fruit and to shine your light where ever you are. To work in your Father’s kingdom to expand , extend it and to promote it. You are a chosen vessel to bring glory, honour and praise to His name. You cannot kick against the goads. Surrender to His will completely and live for Him. Desire him more and more. You are His possession and your life is in His hands. Make a commitment today – Lord, I am all yours. USE ME. God bless you.