Nov 30 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 145:14-16 & Acts 3:5-8.

The word of God says. Every good and perfect gift comes from the father of Lights in whom their is no variation or turning back. He has good gifts and perfect gifts for us. Let us look to Him and expect from Him what He has in store for each one of us. The man at the gate of Beautiful was expecting some  kind of help that is silver or a gold coin from the disciples like He was expecting from everyone each day but the Lord  had something greater than that in store for Him. As you are expectant of the Lord you also expect that some thing  greater is coming your way. The Lord will open His hands and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Your desire will be satisfied. He will satisfy you with good things. God bless you.

Nov 08 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Today’s  scripture reading is Mark 4:35 -40 & Acts 27:21-25.

Gods word stands forever. It will never fail you at any time. Unless we stopped believing it or we are confessing negative against the word of God or if our faith is not mixed with the word of God. Today God is reminding us that no storm that you are going through in life can kill or destroy you because I have already given you a word that is “Let us cross over to the other side”. The other side has great things awaiting you,mighty miracles and great breakthroughs. The enemy can only pull your faith and belief through FEAR. The disciples had Jesus in their boat just like you and me  we have Jesus in our life in us and yet we are fearful at times. God is saying you are crossing over to the other side. That problem sickness or situation cannot destroy you because I have already told you the end from the beginning. Paul told the people that there will  be no loss of life among you but only of the ship why? “Because – I carry destiny, I need to bear witness of Christ”. Who can kill you or destroy you. When you are in the purpose and plan of God. You are called to work in his Kingdom to expand and extend the kingdom. No weapon formed or fashioned against you shall prosper and every tongue that is rising up against you in judgement shall be condemned. You are an overcomer. God bless you.

Oct 22 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading for today is Ephesians 1:4; John 15:16; Acts 9:15-16

You are chosen by God. He chose you and me before the foundations of the earth, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. He says in John 15:16 you did not chose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and your fruit should remain that whatever you ask the father in my name, He shall give you. You have been chosen to bear  fruit and to shine your light where ever you are. To work in your Father’s kingdom to expand , extend it and to promote it. You are a chosen vessel to bring glory, honour and praise to His name. You cannot kick against the goads. Surrender to His will completely and live for Him. Desire him more and more. You are His possession and your life is in His hands. Make a commitment today – Lord, I am all yours. USE ME. God bless you.

Sept 04 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most High God. Scripture reading from Psalms 24:7-10 & Rev 3:7-8; Acts12:10.

This month, we will see doors opening up for us on their own accord. Jesus said ‘I am the door what I open no man can shut and what I close no man can open’. See, I have set before you an open door and no one can shut. Make use of the opportunities that you have right now. Don’t delay. Gates have been opened, iron bars have been shifted because the King of glory has come in. The way maker has made every crooked path straight for you. Enter in with boldness and take what is yours. Have a wonderful day.