Nov 16 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most High God. Today’s scripture reading is from Micah 7:15-20 & Psalm 114:1-8. 

This month we will see God’s power being displayed in a mighty way just like when he brought the people of Israel from Egypt. He did great signs and wonders. It may not happen the way you are expecting it  but will happen the way He will be glorified.  Many shall see and be ashamed of their might. They shall put their hands over their mouth. They shall be afraid  of the lord our God and shall fear because of you. At the presence of the Lord, the Earth trembles. At the presence of the Lord, the rocks turn into pools of water and the flint into a fountain  of waters. You carry His presence He dwells in you. Who can stand against you. What can plot against you and stand. He dwells in us what can stand against us. Every difficult situation we are in at this moment. He has already. Given us victory. Our bodies are healed because the healer lives inside of us. He has fought every battle and has given us victory. God bless you.