Nov 14 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most High God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 40:3; Exodus 15:11 & Luke 1:49.

The Lord has put a new song in your mouth. Praise to God. Many will see it and fear and will trust in the Lord. When God gave victory to the people of Israel  a song was birth out in Moses. Moses’ song – “Among the Gods who is like you . You are glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, Doing wonders.” God has already done the things He has spoken start writing your song and singing your song of victory. When Mary had a visitation, she believed everything that had been spoken about her and she sang her song. “For He who is mighty has done great things for me. And holy is His name”. Start singing your song of praise. He has done so much for each one of us. Let us sing to him a song of praise a song of victory a song of thanks giving. Get ready to sing your song about all that He has done for you. A thousand tongues will not be enough to say it all. Start today. Your testimony is on its way. God bless you

Oct 29 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord  children of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Isaiah 66:7-9 and Exodus 1:19.

It’s  birthing time…for my miracle

Your miracle is within you. It is in its birthing stage. Your miracle could be your healing; your dreams; your visions;  the promises and the prophecies you received. God wants us to be quick to bring forth what we have been carrying for a very long time because it’s due season has come. He wants us to be like the Hebrew women who were quick to deliver, alert and active. Take your prayer life to another level.  Leave your comfort zone and come up higher to where He is in your walk with him. So that you can see better, hear better and act better. God is ready to deliver what you are carrying. Are you ready to handle it? Prayer prepares you for what you are going to hold and show the world and say “Look! what the Lord has done”.The Bible says Zion was in labour, she gave birth. Before her pain came she delivered a male child. You are about to deliver what you are carrying. Position yourself in prayer, praise and worship. If you are lead to fast do it. For the word of God says, I will not bring you to the time of birth and not cause delivery. I will not shut the womb when the time to deliver has come. Rejoice. It’s birthing time. God bless you.

Sept 05 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most High God. Scripture reading Proverbs 18:16 & Exodus4:2. 

Every gift, every talent and skill is to be used for the glory of God. You just don’t possess it and allow it to be in a dormant state but you activate it. God has given it to you to be used. Anything you fail to put to use that has been given to you will lose its purpose. Some of us don’t realise that what we have in our hands is of great value because we are not looking at it as we should. We are not treating it as we should. The man with the one talent didn’t want to trade it because he didn’t know what that could do for him and how it could help him. He was fearful and buried his talent. Don’t bury what God has blessed you with. Your gift will make room for you before great men. Put it to test and let it prove itself to you. You will have the best result. Don’t fear to venture into things you never did before eg a new job a business etc. where your talent or your skills can be used. There is room for you. God bless you.