Dec 04 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Scripture readings are Philippians 4:4 & Habakkuk 3:17-19.

Rejoice in the Lord always again I say rejoice. God wants us who are His people to rejoice and to be glad because He is the Lord of our lives and He is in control. He is the maker,creator and ruler over everything. He wants us  to be joyful because of who He is in my life and in your life. Everything may not have worked or may not be working the way you and I wanted it to work but its working for our own good. God is taking us through these things and practically making us learn something out of what we are going through. To make us better people. To make us be like him. Patient kind and gentle. Slow to speak and quick to hear. Being doers of what He is saying and not hearers, knowing where you are( He) the great I am is with you. So let us meditate on this scripture – “Though the fig tree  may not blossom, nor fruit be on the  wines; Though the labour of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flocks may cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls; Yet I will REJOICE in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation”. God bless you.

Nov 22 -Daily devotion

Praise the lord children of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is Hosea 4:6 & Habakkuk 2:2-3.

The just shall live by faith. Everything we face in life we gain victory over it by faith. God has given us several promises,visions and prophesies. We need to write them down and write them down plain. So that you are running your life reading it. Make your movement reading Word of God. Taking decision reading it. Also encouraging others through it and standing on it till the very end. Knowing that it will prove itself. It is for an appointed time. That vision is connected to time. In due time or season it shall come to pass. Therefore do not become weary or tired doing good and do not lose heart. At the appointed time it shall speak and it will not lie. Though it tarries. Though it is taking time wait for it because it will surely come to pass. God bless you.

Sept 27 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading is Romans 8:28 ; Hab 3:17-19; Phil 4:4

God is in the centre of all that is happening in your life.  He is always in control. Rom 8:28. All things are working for good to them that love their Lord who are called according to His purpose. Its not only good things its all things. Whatever God permits in your life is working for your good. E.g.) Joseph.  Learn to handle it carefully by the power of the Holy spirit. Don’t become bitter angry and upset. Don’t moan and complain. Know that he will bring you out of every trial and test victoriously. Know that your change has already come. Rejoice in the Lord always. Meditate on the scripture from Habakkuk 3:17-19. Even though many things have failed in your life. Yet will I rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation.He is my strength. He will make my feet like deer’s feet and He will make me walk on my high hills. You will walk on your high hills and your horn shall be exalted. God bless you.