Dec 12 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from the book of Jeremiah 29:10-11, 32:40-42; 33:9,14

The Lord is about to perform his good word towards you. God will fulfil every promise He has spoken regarding you at the appointed time. God was talking to them in their captivity likewise God is talking to us in the situation and circumstances we are in and telling us that He will rejoice over us to do good. His word says, “Behold the days are coming says the Lord  that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and the house of Judah”. God will perform that good thing towards your household. Lift up your voice in praise and thanksgiving and receive your good thing from the Lord. Wait with great expectations for the good thing from the Lord. God bless you.

Nov 01 – Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. The scriptures for today’s devotion are on restoration as we have entered into the season of restoration. Meditate on these scriptures and be restored. Isaiah 61:7; Jerimiah 30:17; Job 42:10; 1 Peter 5:10; Zechariah 9:12; Psalms 71:20-21; Joel 2:25-26 & 2 Corinthians 13:9-11.

The word of God says the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent  shall take it by force. It’s pay back time. Instead of shame, you shall have double honour and everlasting joy shall be yours.  The Lord says I will restore health to you and heal your wounds. I myself will restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. He will restore to you everything you have lost just like unto Job. Continue to pray for your restoration every thing that the canker worm, the gnawing locust, and the chewing locust has eaten will be restored in full. No longer shall you be ashamed. You will experience the former rain and the latter rain. A month of overflow and a month of in-explainable miracles. God bless you.

Oct 16 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord. Saints of the Most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Jeremiah 18:1-6; Isaiah 45:9.

We are in the hands of the potter and Jesus Christ is the potter. We are the lump of clay in His hands. He wants to make us into beautiful vessels to be used for his glory. So, He takes us through a process of breaking,melting, moulding and making through trials, tests  and a refining process to perfect all things concerning us. We are glad to be in His hands. We are glad to yield to His will even at times when it is painful. We have the blessed assurance that we are in safe hands. We are in the hands of the creator who made us ,the master builder that holds our future. The one who said the plans and the thoughts that I have for you are of good and not of evil. So let us say to Him have your way in me Lord and let your will be done.He will strengthen you in your process and preparation and take you to another level in your walk with him. God bless you