Oct 30 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord, saints of the most high God. Scripture reading Job 14:7-9 & Ezekiel 37:1-14

Speak life to your dry situations..

There is hope in the Lord for where you are, your situation, your circumstance, your job or career ,your family, your finances,your marriage and in every thing that you have been believing God for. If a tree that is completely dry can spring forth at the  scent or smell of water or rain. How much we who are washed in the blood, redeemed in the blood, bought by the blood, living by the word, We are a covenant people. Our hope in the Lord shall not be cut off. This morning, God is asking you – Can I heal you, deliver you, change your situation. Turn your mourning into dancing. Do a new thing? Answer him.  Yes Lord! You are more than able. He wants you to prophesy to that dry situation, to that stagnation over your body, over your sons life, daughters life or any one whom you are concerned about. Speak life speak the word. It will respond to God’s word. God will cause the winds to blow as you prophesy and bring life to every dead situation. You will see things change, and your situation and circumstance will not be the same. Its your season to experience God’s power and great miracles.Take your prayer to another level.  Open your mouth and speak. You will have a testimony to glorify God. God bless you!

Oct 19 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Scripture reading  Job 23:12 & Psalms 119:9-11 & 15.

God wants us to treasure his word and commandments in our heart. In the book of Job, Job proclaims: I have not departed from the commandment of  His lips. I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. Let the word of God be food for our soul. Let us desire to study the word of God , meditate on it  more and more and desire it more than the food we eat. Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Let us delight in His word. Let the word of God cleanse us by taking heed to it. Let us wander not from his commandments. Let the word of God be hidden in our heart and it will keep us  away from sin. So when the storms of life hits, its the word of God that will speak for you. Out of your heart shall come out -God’s word which is your shield and sword against every lie of the devil and silence him.The word of God will raise up a standard. You will say it is written and speak to; your body; your marriage; your career; your finances; your children and to every situation and circumstance in Jesus name! The word of God gives you victory. Declare it and it shall be established. God bless you.

Oct 05 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Job 8:7 & Zechariah 4:10;

The Word of God tells us that we should not despise the day of small things for the Lord rejoices in us. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows how each one of us are going to end. We need to cooperate with Gods plan. Mordecai was at the gates of the palace but soon He took the place of Haman. That is how God is starting us. Keep doing what you are called to do by being faithful and God will elevate you in due time.  It’s the starting point but there is a journey that will take us to the end.  In between they are many things that God will take us through. In the book of Job, it says though your beginning was small yet your later end would increase abundantly. This verse is from the book of Job. Job was blessed in the beginning of the story it tells us that he was prosperous and wealthy and yet the verse says that his beginning was small but his later end shall be great or would increase abundantly. We are almost at the end of this year, I declare that you latter end would increase abundantly. Everything you been waiting upon will come looking for you. You will see His promises being fulfilled in your life. God bless you. 

Sept 26 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Joel 2:23-27; Isaiah 61:7 & Job 42:10

God has brought you into a season of restoration. He will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust consuming locust and chewing locust. Whatever the enemy the thief has robbed of you he has to pay back 7 times Proverbs 6:31
Your threshing floors shall be full of wheat means you shall reap bountifully and your vats shall  overflow with new wine and oil means the anointing of the Holy spirit. You shall eat and be satisfied for the Lord your God has dealt wondrously with you and you shall not be ashamed and you shall have double honour. Instead of confusion you shall rejoice in your portion and everlasting joy shall be yours. Like Job, the Lord shall restore double to you in every area in your life. Be restored. Experience an overflow in your life. God bless you.

Sept 24 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Job 14:14; Ecclesiastes 3:1 & Daniel 2:21 

There is a change in your season embrace your new season. Forget the former things and do not dwell on the past for behold I shall do a new thing in your life and it shall spring forth. The time to make all things beautiful has come. In the book of Daniel the word of God says He changes the times and the seasons. He removes kings and raises up Kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. Start experiencing  the change from within you. Work towards it. Speak to it,  live it and experience it from within the spirit man then you will see it being manifested in the physical. Change your way of thinking and have control over your emotions. when we know that winter is setting in we start making changes towards our dressing, shoes and food  to stand the cold. How much more we need to be prepared when God’s word says that our season of change has come.  Job was really going through some real stuff and yet He said. All the days of my hard service I will wait till my change comes. Start making the changes needed to accommodate change. Everything that you are going through has an end. This too shall pass and you shall  enter your new season filled with His joy and peace. Get ready to testify. God bless you.