Oct 04 – Daily Devotion

Praise the lord Saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from psalms 107:2 & Matthew 8:8

The words of our mouth have the power to speak life or death into everything we are dealing with. Psalms 141:3, Set a guard O Lord! over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips. Let our mouth be used to praise God and let not that same mouth be used to curse or slander. Let us use our mouth to speak and confess the word of God with power and authority over our bodies over our children and over every impossible situation. Jesus demonstrated the word when He cursed the fig tree and calmed the storm and it was so. Today  you just need to say the word with power and authority and you will see deliverance, healing breakthrough and a supernatural move or shift. Exercise the word of God and see a shift in everything that you are believing God for. He will surely come through for you. Matthew 8:16 Jesus cast out the spirits with a word. Speak the word you are a king use your authority you are walking in power and you have dominion over all things. You are born to rule.   All things are under your subjection. God bless you

Sept 14 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Scripture reading Luke 4:8 & Matthew15:21-28. 

There is power in your worship and it can turn things around in your life. When sometimes unexpected or unpleasant things happen, the first thing we tend to do his cry or we go to God with our emotions. We always don’t get what we want with this kind of approach. The Canaanite woman went to Jesus for a healing and cried out to him. When she found it did not move him, she began to worship him by adding her faith to her worship and was determined to have what she didn’t deserve without being distracted. She became successful as the Lord Jesus said ‘Woman, your faith is great; let it be to you as you desire’. How much more you and I, we who have a blood covenant – Won’t he not give us our hearts desire? We come to him boldly and rightly and take what belongs to us. By saying, here is my worship Lord – all of my worship. I will worship you always, no matter how l feel. You are worthy of all of my worship. You are the breath of life and I will worship you. Let this be your prayer this morning. God bless you.

Sept 19 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God scripture readings from Matthew 7:24-27; Heb12:25-28 & Psalms16:8

we need to be not only hearers of the word of God but also doers of the word of God that we may see the results of the word of God working effectively in our lives.Jesus said we are compared to a wise  man who builts his house upon the rock so when the floods storms or rains come (challenges )the house that is you are not shaken or moved because your foundation is the rock Jesus Christ.Built your life on his word who is Jesus the rock of our salvation.No matter what comes your way you shall not be moved or shaken. In the book of Hebrews the word of God says that which is shaken will be removed that the things that cannot be shaken can remain and we have a Kingdom of God which cannot be shaken so let us have grace by which we can serve God. The psalmist says I have set the Lord always before me because He is  at my right hand I shall not be moved or shaken. Meditate on the scripture you shall not be shaken you shall not be moved. God bless you