Nov 02 – Daily devotion

Praise the Lord, saints of the most  high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 107:20-22 and John 11:38-43

November is a season of restoration, a season to experience in-explainable miracles. God is going to manifest Himself, His power and might in hopeless and dead situation. In cases that have been written off by doctors. With men, it is impossible but with our God all things are possible to those who believe. We believe that our God can do everything and anything and with him all things are possible.  Eye has not seen, neither has any ear heard what God has prepared for those who love him. Job said with my ears I have heard but now my eyes see. We have heard God’s miracles and we have believed. Now God wants  to show us His in-explainable miracles. Our God can do so much more than what we can think of. Jesus is standing in front of Lazarus tomb four days later and saying to Martha “Did I  not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God? God is rolling away every stone that is blocking your miracle. Jesus stood in front of the tomb of Lazarus where he laid dead for four days and thanked His father for hearing his prayer. God wants you to look at that hopeless and dead situation or thing and start thanking God for hearing your prayers and then call it out from its present state to be what God called it to be. Jesus said Lazarus come forth. What ever God promised you, call it out into existence the things that do not exist and let His word be established. Then with Joy and rejoicing give him your praise and worship for what He has done. God bless you.

Nov 01 – Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. The scriptures for today’s devotion are on restoration as we have entered into the season of restoration. Meditate on these scriptures and be restored. Isaiah 61:7; Jerimiah 30:17; Job 42:10; 1 Peter 5:10; Zechariah 9:12; Psalms 71:20-21; Joel 2:25-26 & 2 Corinthians 13:9-11.

The word of God says the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent  shall take it by force. It’s pay back time. Instead of shame, you shall have double honour and everlasting joy shall be yours.  The Lord says I will restore health to you and heal your wounds. I myself will restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. He will restore to you everything you have lost just like unto Job. Continue to pray for your restoration every thing that the canker worm, the gnawing locust, and the chewing locust has eaten will be restored in full. No longer shall you be ashamed. You will experience the former rain and the latter rain. A month of overflow and a month of in-explainable miracles. God bless you.

Oct 31 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord, people of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from 1 Samuel 1:8-18 & Psalms 55:16-18.

How sweet is your presence O Lord!

The psalmist says, As for me I will call upon my God , and the Lord shall save me. Evening and morning, and at noon I will pray and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice. He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me. For there were many against me. He has redeemed you from every battle and given you victory.  When we call on His name Jesus He will answer us while we are yet speaking. He is a God who hears us. Hannah went up to Shiloh this time with a different agenda. She neither ate nor drank but went into the temple and poured out her heart before God. She offered her brokenness as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. She made a vow to the Lord. She was groaning from her heart. Only her lips moved but her voice was not heard.  She was sorrowful in the spirit. She went into His presence one way and came out with her changed countenance. God changed her mourning into rejoicing. Her petition was granted. In His presence there is answer to prayer. Spend quality time in His presence. He wants to reveal His plans and strategies to you. Don’t RUSH. Enjoy his presence. God bless you!

Oct 19 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Scripture reading  Job 23:12 & Psalms 119:9-11 & 15.

God wants us to treasure his word and commandments in our heart. In the book of Job, Job proclaims: I have not departed from the commandment of  His lips. I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. Let the word of God be food for our soul. Let us desire to study the word of God , meditate on it  more and more and desire it more than the food we eat. Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Let us delight in His word. Let the word of God cleanse us by taking heed to it. Let us wander not from his commandments. Let the word of God be hidden in our heart and it will keep us  away from sin. So when the storms of life hits, its the word of God that will speak for you. Out of your heart shall come out -God’s word which is your shield and sword against every lie of the devil and silence him.The word of God will raise up a standard. You will say it is written and speak to; your body; your marriage; your career; your finances; your children and to every situation and circumstance in Jesus name! The word of God gives you victory. Declare it and it shall be established. God bless you.

Oct 12 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading Psalms 68:28 & Mark 9:23-24.

God wants to display His power in our lives. He wants us to know who we are trusting and believing. He wants us to be aware of His power and might. In psalms 68:28, the word of God says, summon your power O God, the power O God! by which you have worked for us. God has displayed  His power and might in several occasions. Today, He wants you and me to bring to remembrance the many times in the past he has showed up for us and displayed his power in a vital way. He is the same unchanging God, yesterday, today and forever. He is one and the same and He changes not. There is nothing that he cannot do for you. There is nothing He cannot change and there is nothing he cannot turn around. In the book of Mark: 9 23-24, Jesus said if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. You will see it possible. The father of the child cried out and said I believe but help my unbelief. Today ask God lord help me to believe in you wholly and help my unbelief. Let your faith in Him silence every other voice in Jesus name. He will give you victory over every thing. Have a wonderful day.

Oct 04 – Daily Devotion

Praise the lord Saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from psalms 107:2 & Matthew 8:8

The words of our mouth have the power to speak life or death into everything we are dealing with. Psalms 141:3, Set a guard O Lord! over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips. Let our mouth be used to praise God and let not that same mouth be used to curse or slander. Let us use our mouth to speak and confess the word of God with power and authority over our bodies over our children and over every impossible situation. Jesus demonstrated the word when He cursed the fig tree and calmed the storm and it was so. Today  you just need to say the word with power and authority and you will see deliverance, healing breakthrough and a supernatural move or shift. Exercise the word of God and see a shift in everything that you are believing God for. He will surely come through for you. Matthew 8:16 Jesus cast out the spirits with a word. Speak the word you are a king use your authority you are walking in power and you have dominion over all things. You are born to rule.   All things are under your subjection. God bless you