Oct 02 – Daily Devotion

Praise the lord, children of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Psalms 118:23-24 & Psalms 126:1-3

The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad. Every thing was done on the cross for us. He paid it all in full. He brought us from darkness into His marvellous light. He set us free from every captivity and grip of satan by giving us victory over sin and death. We are no longer slaves to fear anger bitterness and unforgiveness. They have no control over us. We live in victory in the finished works of Christ. All that you and I are looking forward to is already done by God. This is our season of great manifestation. Our mouths will be filled with laughter and our tongue with singing.The things you are about to see in your life in this season will be marvellous in your eyes because it will be the Lords doing. Its coming in different sizes shapes and colours beyond your expectations. Receive it. Its from the Lord. God bless you

Sept 17 – Daily Devotion

 Praise the Lord People of the most high God.Scripture reading for today is from Psalms 102:12-17 & Isaiah 62:1-5 

The Lord will arise and have mercy on you for the time to favour you the set time has come.He will surely answer your prayers.you shall be a crown of glory in the hands of the Lord and you shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the lord shall name.You shall no longer be termed  forsaken or your land desolate. The Lord delights in you. You are His beloved and the lord rejoices over you. You are sealed by the Lord you are His property. You are of Great value because you are His and He is in you. You carry the Lord in you. You will always be favoured and every thing you need will be supplied to you. Because of who He is in your life. Remember you have a blood covenant with him. Make your covenant work for you. God bless you ! 

Sept 13 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord Saints of the most high God. Scripture readings Psalms 68:19-20 & Psalms 116:12-14 & 16-19. 

Today render unto the Lord a heart full of gratitude, praise and thanksgiving, for all that He has done in your life. He is a God who daily loads us with benefits. He protects, keeps us and preserves us; we are the apple of His eye. To our God the Lord belongs escapes from death. Many a times, he has saved you from the snares of the fowler and made a way of escape in your life, just like a bird escapes from the net of the fowler. He has loosened your bonds and set you free from every captivity of the enemy. He has liberated us by His blood and made us His sons so we can cry out to him Abba father. Pay your vows to the Lord; do not forget the promises you made to God while you were in difficult times. Hannah stood on what she promised to God and payed her vow to the Lord. Ecclesiastes 5:5. Let your heart burst out with thanksgiving and praise. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits. God bless you.

Sept 11 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord People of the most high God. Scripture reading for today is from Psalms 102:12-17 & Isaiah 62:1-5

The Lord will arise and have mercy on you for the time to favour you, the set time has come. He will surely answer your prayers. You shall be a crown of glory in the hands of the Lord and you shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the lord shall name. You shall no longer be termed forsaken or your land desolate. The Lord delights in you. You are His beloved and the Lord rejoices over you. You are sealed by the Lord, you are His property. You are of Great value because you are His and He is in you. You carry the Lord in you. You will always be favoured and everything you need will be supplied to you, because of who He is in your life. Remember you have a blood covenant with him. Make your covenant work for you. God bless you.

Sept 06 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading Phil 1:6 & Psalms 138:8.

Our God is a God of perfection. He perfects us till we reflect him through different ways and means. He refines us in the refiner’s furnace till we come out like silver and Gold. His word washes us and renews our thinking. So that we can think His thoughts, be like him, walk like him and talk like him and represent Him as His ambassador. The Lord has begun a good work in your life. He will bring it to completion & perfection. He will never leave you undone but He will finish everything that He started. You are in a process let the master Jesus perfect all things concerning your life. God bless you.

Sept 04 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most High God. Scripture reading from Psalms 24:7-10 & Rev 3:7-8; Acts12:10.

This month, we will see doors opening up for us on their own accord. Jesus said ‘I am the door what I open no man can shut and what I close no man can open’. See, I have set before you an open door and no one can shut. Make use of the opportunities that you have right now. Don’t delay. Gates have been opened, iron bars have been shifted because the King of glory has come in. The way maker has made every crooked path straight for you. Enter in with boldness and take what is yours. Have a wonderful day.