Nov 16 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most High God. Today’s scripture reading is from Micah 7:15-20 & Psalm 114:1-8. 

This month we will see God’s power being displayed in a mighty way just like when he brought the people of Israel from Egypt. He did great signs and wonders. It may not happen the way you are expecting it  but will happen the way He will be glorified.  Many shall see and be ashamed of their might. They shall put their hands over their mouth. They shall be afraid  of the lord our God and shall fear because of you. At the presence of the Lord, the Earth trembles. At the presence of the Lord, the rocks turn into pools of water and the flint into a fountain  of waters. You carry His presence He dwells in you. Who can stand against you. What can plot against you and stand. He dwells in us what can stand against us. Every difficult situation we are in at this moment. He has already. Given us victory. Our bodies are healed because the healer lives inside of us. He has fought every battle and has given us victory. God bless you.

Nov 15 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from. Genesis 22:1-19 & 1 Kings 3:1-9.

Giving is an act of worship. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Give your time to God, your skills and talents to be used for the kingdom of God. Your resources’every dream and vision to God. Your family to the service of God your finances to God. Do not withhold anything from the one who gave you every thing that is a sign to make God know that none of these things can separate you from the love of  God. In painful times you still worship God like Abraham did. He said “I and the lad shall go and worship.” Then I will sacrifice my son. My worship is my sacrifice but that doesn’t hinder me from giving God what He asked of me.What is He asking you today. Give it to him. He is worthy to receive everything from you for nothing belongs to you. Have a visitation from the lord just like Solomon had. Where the Lord asked him what do you want? Pour out your worship to him and let him have it all. He is the only one who is worthy of it all. God bless you.

Nov 14 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most High God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 40:3; Exodus 15:11 & Luke 1:49.

The Lord has put a new song in your mouth. Praise to God. Many will see it and fear and will trust in the Lord. When God gave victory to the people of Israel  a song was birth out in Moses. Moses’ song – “Among the Gods who is like you . You are glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, Doing wonders.” God has already done the things He has spoken start writing your song and singing your song of victory. When Mary had a visitation, she believed everything that had been spoken about her and she sang her song. “For He who is mighty has done great things for me. And holy is His name”. Start singing your song of praise. He has done so much for each one of us. Let us sing to him a song of praise a song of victory a song of thanks giving. Get ready to sing your song about all that He has done for you. A thousand tongues will not be enough to say it all. Start today. Your testimony is on its way. God bless you

Nov 13 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most High God. Scripture reading is from Psalms 69:28-36 & Psalms 71:14-16.

There is power in your joyful praise. Praise the name of the Lord with song and magnify him with thanksgiving  for this shall please him better than an ox or bull. Your praise makes room for the Almighty to come and reign in your situation and your circumstances. Praise gives you victory over every stubborn situation. Praise makes a way for you. Praise can turn things around. Because your not responding to your situation with anger or negative words or tears and sorrow but giving God praise by saying Lord, I know you are in control and something good is coming my way. Something Good is coming your way. RECEIVE IT. You will hope in the lord Continually and you will praise Him more and more. God bless you.

Nov 12 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most High God. Scripture readings from Psalms 22:3 and Hebrews 13:15

Prepare the environment by making it conducive to birth out your prophesies  gifts and your  miracles. Lift your voices in praise and worship. As your praise goes up the Lord comes down and sits on the throne that you have built. Rejoice and be glad for your God reigns. He wants to come and sit on His throne of praises that you have made for him. He wants to speak to you and reveal to you great and mighty things which you know not know about. He wants to change and turn things around. Give him the highest praise. Everything that has breath praises the lord. Are you breathing then praise the Lord for the dead cannot praise him. This is the best reason to praise the Lord. Fill your home, office or the bus and train with your praise. Let the miracles birth out. God bless you.

Nov 09 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Psalms 121:1-8 & Hebrews 13:6.

Help is coming your way. Which ever area you are seeking God for. He is sending help and assistance to you. The psalmist says – I will look to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Your help and my help is coming from the Lord. The Lord is my helper. I will not fear what can man do to me? The Lord has heard your cry He is going to lift you up from where you are and  place you in the place that he has prepared for you. He is going to bring a shift and a change in your life. You have been waiting on God to cause movement in your life. You will see God turning things around at 360 degrees. Everything will seem new and you will say but this does not look like what i asked for. This is the way God will do it. “HIS WAY”. For some of us will have to make a U turn. We were heading in one direction but God will make a U turn in our life. All that God is doing may not make sense. He is at the Wheel. Allow Him to drive you. Make room for Him. Give Him the drivers seat. Fill the atmosphere with your praise and worship and follow Him while He is leading you. God bless you. He is ready to HELP.