Oct 05 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Job 8:7 & Zechariah 4:10;

The Word of God tells us that we should not despise the day of small things for the Lord rejoices in us. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows how each one of us are going to end. We need to cooperate with Gods plan. Mordecai was at the gates of the palace but soon He took the place of Haman. That is how God is starting us. Keep doing what you are called to do by being faithful and God will elevate you in due time.  It’s the starting point but there is a journey that will take us to the end.  In between they are many things that God will take us through. In the book of Job, it says though your beginning was small yet your later end would increase abundantly. This verse is from the book of Job. Job was blessed in the beginning of the story it tells us that he was prosperous and wealthy and yet the verse says that his beginning was small but his later end shall be great or would increase abundantly. We are almost at the end of this year, I declare that you latter end would increase abundantly. Everything you been waiting upon will come looking for you. You will see His promises being fulfilled in your life. God bless you. 

Oct 04 – Daily Devotion

Praise the lord Saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from psalms 107:2 & Matthew 8:8

The words of our mouth have the power to speak life or death into everything we are dealing with. Psalms 141:3, Set a guard O Lord! over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips. Let our mouth be used to praise God and let not that same mouth be used to curse or slander. Let us use our mouth to speak and confess the word of God with power and authority over our bodies over our children and over every impossible situation. Jesus demonstrated the word when He cursed the fig tree and calmed the storm and it was so. Today  you just need to say the word with power and authority and you will see deliverance, healing breakthrough and a supernatural move or shift. Exercise the word of God and see a shift in everything that you are believing God for. He will surely come through for you. Matthew 8:16 Jesus cast out the spirits with a word. Speak the word you are a king use your authority you are walking in power and you have dominion over all things. You are born to rule.   All things are under your subjection. God bless you

Oct 03 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Scripture reading is from 2 Cor 5:7; Rom 1:17  & Heb 11:6

Faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Faith comes by hearing. Hearing what? The word of God. We should be hearing the word of God and believing the word of God and resting on the word of God. The word of God is powerful sharper than a double edged sword. Heb 4:12. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. The word of God is alive. Its spirit filled and truth. The word of God is working in our lives. Add your faith to it. In Hebrews 11, we see by their faith on Gods word they accomplished great and mighty things for the Lord being in the old covenant standing on His word. How much more we who are in the new covenant living in the finished works of Christ. We shall walk by faith and not by sight. This morning you are going to change the environment by calling into existence the things that are not as though they were already there. You are going to create things by confessing and declaring His word. You will see your lines falling into pleasant places. God bless you  

Oct 02 – Daily Devotion

Praise the lord, children of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Psalms 118:23-24 & Psalms 126:1-3

The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad. Every thing was done on the cross for us. He paid it all in full. He brought us from darkness into His marvellous light. He set us free from every captivity and grip of satan by giving us victory over sin and death. We are no longer slaves to fear anger bitterness and unforgiveness. They have no control over us. We live in victory in the finished works of Christ. All that you and I are looking forward to is already done by God. This is our season of great manifestation. Our mouths will be filled with laughter and our tongue with singing.The things you are about to see in your life in this season will be marvellous in your eyes because it will be the Lords doing. Its coming in different sizes shapes and colours beyond your expectations. Receive it. Its from the Lord. God bless you

Oct 01 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Scripture reading John 17:4 & John 19:28-30

We have entered a new month and we are in  a new season. In the book of Nehemiah 8:10. Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet and send portions to those or whom nothing is prepared for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Everything that you looking for ward to is already done by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus glorified His father by finishing His assignment on the earth (the purpose of His coming to this world). On the cross, He paid it all from your healing to everything that you need was paid by him. Every bitter situation every sour situation & every situation that you and I cannot handle. He handled and finished it on the cross. He became a curse on the cross that you might be blessed. He became poor that you might be rich. He became weak so you could be strong in him. Everything you need, He paid it on the cross. The next time satan comes with his lies tell him Jesus paid it on the cross and I am walking in the victory of Christ and you are under my feet. God bless you. You are victorious. 

Sept 28 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Scripture reading Zephaniah 3:16-20; 1 Thes 5:16-18

Do not fear and let not your hands be weak. Continue to do good. For the Lord God is in your midst. The mighty one will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness and with singing. He will quiet you with His love. He will deal with all who afflict you and He will save the lame and gather those who were driven out. He will appoint you for praise and fame in every land where you were put to shame. For I will give you fame and praise among all the peoples of the earth. Your season of being recognised and famous has come. For the lord himself will do this for you in front of the ones who despised you. Rejoice always. Something good is coming your way. Fill your heart with thanksgiving  for your time of elevation has come. 1 Sam 2:7-8. You will testify the goodness of the Lord. God bless you.