Sept 10 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord Saints of the most High God. Scripture reading 2Kings 6:15-17 & 1John 4:4.

The greater one lives inside of you, His name is Jesus. Don’t magnify the situation or the challenge you are facing or what people are saying or how they are approaching you or responding to you but magnify the one who is in you. He is bigger than the biggest, stronger than the strongest, greater than the greatest, higher than the highest and with him all things are possible. Do not fear .Whatever you are facing has to face God before it faces you. Elisha told his servant, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. Let your spiritual eyes be opened. I pray for each one of you to see the way God wants you to see those things. God bless you. 


Sept 07 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord Saints of the most High God. Scripture reading from Phil 3:13-16 & Isaiah 43:18-19

Forget the former things and don’t dwell on the past for behold I shall do a new thing and now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it?  God is telling us ‘I’m a God of new things and you already know it. I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert’. Stop contemplating on the past things because it will not allow you to move forward. In Phil 3:13 Paul says one thing I do; forget those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. There are many things that are waiting ahead of you but you cannot progress forward if you are holding on to things that are behind. Just ‘let-it-go’ & move forward, meeting with the new things ahead of you. God bless you.


Sept 06 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading Phil 1:6 & Psalms 138:8.

Our God is a God of perfection. He perfects us till we reflect him through different ways and means. He refines us in the refiner’s furnace till we come out like silver and Gold. His word washes us and renews our thinking. So that we can think His thoughts, be like him, walk like him and talk like him and represent Him as His ambassador. The Lord has begun a good work in your life. He will bring it to completion & perfection. He will never leave you undone but He will finish everything that He started. You are in a process let the master Jesus perfect all things concerning your life. God bless you.

Sept 05 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most High God. Scripture reading Proverbs 18:16 & Exodus4:2. 

Every gift, every talent and skill is to be used for the glory of God. You just don’t possess it and allow it to be in a dormant state but you activate it. God has given it to you to be used. Anything you fail to put to use that has been given to you will lose its purpose. Some of us don’t realise that what we have in our hands is of great value because we are not looking at it as we should. We are not treating it as we should. The man with the one talent didn’t want to trade it because he didn’t know what that could do for him and how it could help him. He was fearful and buried his talent. Don’t bury what God has blessed you with. Your gift will make room for you before great men. Put it to test and let it prove itself to you. You will have the best result. Don’t fear to venture into things you never did before eg a new job a business etc. where your talent or your skills can be used. There is room for you. God bless you.

Sept 04 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most High God. Scripture reading from Psalms 24:7-10 & Rev 3:7-8; Acts12:10.

This month, we will see doors opening up for us on their own accord. Jesus said ‘I am the door what I open no man can shut and what I close no man can open’. See, I have set before you an open door and no one can shut. Make use of the opportunities that you have right now. Don’t delay. Gates have been opened, iron bars have been shifted because the King of glory has come in. The way maker has made every crooked path straight for you. Enter in with boldness and take what is yours. Have a wonderful day.

Sept 03 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most High God. Scripture reading from Isaiah 25:8-9 & Isaiah 64:4.

This is the ninth month of the year and every dream vision and future plans has to be delivered as the due season has come to see delivery. To see visions, dreams and long waited issues to be answered, you have prayed you have cried and you have waited on the Lord. Your waiting has come to an end. Now you will see action. Believe that the God that you have waited for is moving on your behalf. Indeed the Lord is moving against every impossible situation and making it possible. You will experience God’s move in a mighty way. Be sensitive to what God is about to do and flow with him. Don’t analyse things with your intellect, for you and I cannot comprehend God’s ways, they are always the best. Have a blessed day.