Praise the Lord people of God.I would like to testify of Gods faithfulness.At the start of the year I received a word from the Lord that this year is going to be a year of rest.I thank God for his word.As soon as the term started in January and I went to work, my manager told me that she had overloaded my class with more learners and that I just had to teach all of them.I was shocked to see the massive classes I had and the pressure and work load attached to it.I said "Lord I received a word from you that this year will be a year of rest and God spoke to me and said yea no doubt about it.I prayed fervently to God to fulfill His word and thanked him for His faithfulness to me in the past.The IQAs had they fixed agenda about the assignments and how many we should be completing with each learner.This meant alot of work and alot of time and unpaid.God answers prayer and there is power in prayer.God turned it all around by bringing this lock down.For me it was a blessing in disguise.I had to work from home so I had lots of time with family.I could fast and pray and there was no assessments or exams.God took away the burden of my shoulders.He gave me a restful season.As I am coming to an end of this academic year I glorify Him and I bless Him for Fulfilling every word that He had Spoken.With His mouth He Had spoken and with His hands He had fulfilled it.What an Awesome God we serve.God bless you.
Set Apart By His Grace
