Nov 26 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. scripture readings from 1 Sam 15:22-23 & Gen 26:1-3;

The word of God says; To obey is better than sacrifice. When God speaks to us, God wants us to not only listen to Him but also follow His instructions. If God has given you instructions and you haven’t followed it or done it -Take heed to his voice and obey. For rebellion is like witchcraft and stubbornness. It is an iniquity and idolatry. When we reject God’s word, God rejects us but when we Keep his word, He blesses us. Many blessings come with obedience. Isaac obeyed Gods word when the Lord told him “Do not go down to Egypt live in the land of which I tell you. I Will be with you and bless you and your descendants. I will give all these lands and perform the oaths which I swore to Abraham your father”. Issac obeyed and He prospered in the land. You follow His instructions and you too shall prosper nothing can stop you from receiving your blessing. You are blessed just obey. God bless you