20 Nov 2021 Sermon – It’s a new level

Audio Sermon

Dear Beloved,

It’s a new level. We are moving forward to new level.  The past is over. In you all things are made new. God says- I have already moved forward things in your life.

Scriptural life -move forward

Prayer life – Move forward

Career – move forward

Business and Finances – move forward

Favour of God is resting so much on the people of God to take that to new level.

Do new  things in God’s way. You can’t operate in old way and hold to old things. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

2 Corinthians 5:17

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

The way you look at things and operate things should be different. You must take your finances and your family to another level as you are under new anointing.

Embrace your new level.  Holy spirit will guide you, direct you and lead you into new levels. There will be quickening of things.  As you hear God and take action, you will be advancing and moving forward.

The Blood covenant:

The Blood of Jesus shall guard you. It shall break all chains and has redeemed you from every curse.

Revelation 12:11

They conquered him completely     through the blood of the Lamb     and the powerful word of his testimony.
They triumphed because they did not love and cling     to their own lives, even when faced with death.

Any work you do, may the blood of Jesus gives you excellence. Be Blessed in King Jesus name. Amen.