03 Aug 2019
Dear Beloved,
God says, I am coming in an unexpected way. It is going to blow up your mind. It is a new way. I am going to do things in ways I never did before. God says, I will strip off old things. I will build and establish the pillars. You shall know, it is the lord’s doing. There of, let us be glad. Do not dwell on the former things. Do not dwell on the past- Behold I shall do a new thing.
There’s a door open in front of you. Donot stop God by focussing on past relationship and experience. God shall do an unexpected thing. Not by might, not by power, but by the spirit of God.
We shall walk in abundance, abundance of peace, abundance of joy and hope. You are his chosen vessel and prized possession. Our God is a God who answers by fire.
Meditation verse:
1 Kings 18-21; Daniel 3:16-29
Audio Sermon