Sept 17 – Daily Devotion

 Praise the Lord People of the most high God.Scripture reading for today is from Psalms 102:12-17 & Isaiah 62:1-5 

The Lord will arise and have mercy on you for the time to favour you the set time has come.He will surely answer your shall be a crown of glory in the hands of the Lord and you shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the lord shall name.You shall no longer be termed  forsaken or your land desolate. The Lord delights in you. You are His beloved and the lord rejoices over you. You are sealed by the Lord you are His property. You are of Great value because you are His and He is in you. You carry the Lord in you. You will always be favoured and every thing you need will be supplied to you. Because of who He is in your life. Remember you have a blood covenant with him. Make your covenant work for you. God bless you ! 

Sept 14 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Scripture reading Luke 4:8 & Matthew15:21-28. 

There is power in your worship and it can turn things around in your life. When sometimes unexpected or unpleasant things happen, the first thing we tend to do his cry or we go to God with our emotions. We always don’t get what we want with this kind of approach. The Canaanite woman went to Jesus for a healing and cried out to him. When she found it did not move him, she began to worship him by adding her faith to her worship and was determined to have what she didn’t deserve without being distracted. She became successful as the Lord Jesus said ‘Woman, your faith is great; let it be to you as you desire’. How much more you and I, we who have a blood covenant – Won’t he not give us our hearts desire? We come to him boldly and rightly and take what belongs to us. By saying, here is my worship Lord – all of my worship. I will worship you always, no matter how l feel. You are worthy of all of my worship. You are the breath of life and I will worship you. Let this be your prayer this morning. God bless you.

Sept 13 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord Saints of the most high God. Scripture readings Psalms 68:19-20 & Psalms 116:12-14 & 16-19. 

Today render unto the Lord a heart full of gratitude, praise and thanksgiving, for all that He has done in your life. He is a God who daily loads us with benefits. He protects, keeps us and preserves us; we are the apple of His eye. To our God the Lord belongs escapes from death. Many a times, he has saved you from the snares of the fowler and made a way of escape in your life, just like a bird escapes from the net of the fowler. He has loosened your bonds and set you free from every captivity of the enemy. He has liberated us by His blood and made us His sons so we can cry out to him Abba father. Pay your vows to the Lord; do not forget the promises you made to God while you were in difficult times. Hannah stood on what she promised to God and payed her vow to the Lord. Ecclesiastes 5:5. Let your heart burst out with thanksgiving and praise. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits. God bless you.

Sept 12 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. The scripture readings for today are from Zechariah 4:6-7 & Isaiah 40:4-5.

The challenges you are facing in life cannot be won by your intellectual arguments or by might or by power but by the spirit of the Lord. Every mountain that is standing against you and not allowing you to progress forward in God’s given plan, I declare shall be removed. Speak to that mountain of sickness, pain, sorrow and uproot it and throw it into the sea. You know your mountain, speak to those mountains. You will see them level down to a plain and every valley shall be exalted and every crooked path made straight and you will walk triumphantly over it in victory. You are always victorious and you are born to win. Congratulations. You are on an unstoppable journey. Have a blessed day.

Sept 11 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord People of the most high God. Scripture reading for today is from Psalms 102:12-17 & Isaiah 62:1-5

The Lord will arise and have mercy on you for the time to favour you, the set time has come. He will surely answer your prayers. You shall be a crown of glory in the hands of the Lord and you shall be called by a new name which the mouth of the lord shall name. You shall no longer be termed forsaken or your land desolate. The Lord delights in you. You are His beloved and the Lord rejoices over you. You are sealed by the Lord, you are His property. You are of Great value because you are His and He is in you. You carry the Lord in you. You will always be favoured and everything you need will be supplied to you, because of who He is in your life. Remember you have a blood covenant with him. Make your covenant work for you. God bless you.

Sept 10 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord Saints of the most High God. Scripture reading 2Kings 6:15-17 & 1John 4:4.

The greater one lives inside of you, His name is Jesus. Don’t magnify the situation or the challenge you are facing or what people are saying or how they are approaching you or responding to you but magnify the one who is in you. He is bigger than the biggest, stronger than the strongest, greater than the greatest, higher than the highest and with him all things are possible. Do not fear .Whatever you are facing has to face God before it faces you. Elisha told his servant, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. Let your spiritual eyes be opened. I pray for each one of you to see the way God wants you to see those things. God bless you.