Dec 19 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most High God. Scripture readings for today are Joshua 6:18; Joshua 7:1-14 & Psalms 51:2-3;

As we are coming to the end of this year. Let us take time to introspect our lives and check to see if there is any thing that we are doing or if we have opened a door for the enemy to operate in our lives knowingly or unknowingly Is there anything in our lives that is not in line with Gods word and we are fine with it but not God. It has to go and you have to let go off it. Otherwise it would be like Achan’s babylonian garment and stuff that he took and hid in his tent that caused them to lose the battle. God commanded them not to touch or abstain from things that are accursed but He didn’t obey. God knows our thoughts our secret conversations and the things that we are involved. He wants to wash you completely from every kind of weakness and habit that you are not able to come out of. So that you can lead a victorious life. Let him cleanse you purify and make you whole. Have a wonderful day as you walk in God given victory. God bless you