Dec 28 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Gen 24:50 & Gen 41:32

God’s visions, His dreams, promises and prophesies for your life will be surely fulfilled. When Eliezer, Abraham’s  servant narrated the entire scenario to Laban and Bethuel they said “the thing comes from the Lord we cannot speak to you either bad or good“. When God speaks and does things, we just embrace it we do not say any thing against it. God has given us great visions, dreams which only he can establish for us and bring it to pass in our lives. When Joseph heard, Pharoah had the dream repeated twice. He said “because the thing is established by God,and God will shortly bring it to pass. Everything God has spoken into your life whether it was through a dream, vision or His word. He will shortly bring it to pass. He is not a man to lie nor the son of man to repent. Has he not spoken will He not do it. He who has called you is faithful to do it. God bless you.