Divine Interference

Mar 18, 2019

Praise the Lord, saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Luke 5:2-11 & John 4:16-42
Divine interference in intimacy.  You cannot be  having an intimate relationship with God and living a life however you want. Peter, and the disciples were busy washing the nets. Jesus asked Peter, if he could use his boat and started preaching to them. Then he asked them to put down their nets which they did reluctantly and caught a big catch.
First Jesus got into Peter’s boat, then into his business, and then into his personal life. Peter said,  go away from me Lord. In other words, leave me alone Lord, for I am a sinner. Jesus came for the lost and the sinners. He told them to follow Him and they did. This is divine interference. The  same happened to the Samaritan woman when she tried to impress Jesus about the knowledge she had about the Jews. But Jesus interfered in her personal life and brought her to the point where she proclaimed, she met with the Messiah. She brought the whole village to receive Christ.
God is going to interfere with some personal stuff in your lives and you’ll have to get rid of some stuff that you have hidden and are thinking that it’s a secret. To God your life is an open book.He knows all about you. He wants  you to be  like Him so that you can enjoy His glory and be walking in His victory. He has given you that victory which births from intimacy with Him. God bless you.