I am with you

Audio Sermon

Dear Beloved,


The mighty hand of God is on your life. Let us give thanks to him for carrying us to the new month of July. The Spirit of God will instruct us in the day time and in the night time through dreams and visions. Let us keep our focus on God, the Creator of the heavens and earth. The Earth and its fullness are His. Let us thank him for bringing us into this new month. All we can boast about is that the Lord has been good to us. O! let us magnify the name of the Lord. He is enthroned in our praises.  Our God is a loving God. He is sweeter than the fresh springs. He is beautiful, marvellous, mighty, awesome, amazing, exceedingly great, loving and kind Father to us. We worship you God for who you are.

God has made his dwelling place  in the midst of his people. He has heard your cry and attended to your plea. Rejoice for the God you serve knows all your thoughts and has already planned it all. God is asking his people to step up. There is provision in the House of God. When Elijah was in hiding, he was in similar situation as lockdown. Elijah had provision at the brook of Cherith, even when there was famine in the entire land (1 Kings 17:1-16). When the brook dried up, God instructed him to go to Zarepath, where provision was already made for Elijah. Even when the whole of Zarepath was under famine, Elijah had provision.

This month is amonth of testimonies.. This Month you will have great testimonies, because God is in your midst. God says, you will sing of the goodness of the Lord. You will shout, Come and see what the Lord has done.  God is working out a work which no man can work it out. He will keep you, sustain you and keep you. He is going to care of everything that you need. He has already planned it all. Rest in His Word and rejoice in Him.  Rejoice O! Daughter of Zion. Let no one steal our joy for God  has planned and done it all, and we will see his goodness all the days of our lives.  God is on our case. God bless you.

Meditation verse:

1 Kings 17:1-16; Deuteronomy 1:11; Zephaniah 3:14; Genesis 13:14-17; Joel 3:18; 1Corinthians 2:9