Nov 23 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading is Psalms 30:11-12 & Psalms 126:5-6

In the book of Nehemiah, it says – Do not sorrow mourn or weep for the joy of the Lord is your strength. God is still in control. He is in the centre of it all. Sometimes it looks as if we lost because of what we wanted and expected but it did not happen the way we wanted. Bur God has His own way of doing things. We must learn to acknowledge him at all times so that He will direct our path. When God sees  our sorrow our pain He looks at us with His mercy love and grace. “You really do not know what is awaiting you at the end of it all”He is the Alpha and Omega; The beginning and the end; The First and the Last; and He is in control. Naomi refused to take of her sack cloth and even Changed her name to Mara. But when she saw how Ruth’s life was falling in line she started helping her to be in line with God and she also walked into Gods plan. The season of  sowing while weeping has ended. A season of gathering the harvest joyfully has come. Do not delay. Accept the new season that is awaiting you and enter the new season with JOY. God bless you.