Nov 30 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 145:14-16 & Acts 3:5-8.

The word of God says. Every good and perfect gift comes from the father of Lights in whom their is no variation or turning back. He has good gifts and perfect gifts for us. Let us look to Him and expect from Him what He has in store for each one of us. The man at the gate of Beautiful was expecting some  kind of help that is silver or a gold coin from the disciples like He was expecting from everyone each day but the Lord  had something greater than that in store for Him. As you are expectant of the Lord you also expect that some thing  greater is coming your way. The Lord will open His hands and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Your desire will be satisfied. He will satisfy you with good things. God bless you.