Oct 16 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord. Saints of the Most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Jeremiah 18:1-6; Isaiah 45:9.

We are in the hands of the potter and Jesus Christ is the potter. We are the lump of clay in His hands. He wants to make us into beautiful vessels to be used for his glory. So, He takes us through a process of breaking,melting, moulding and making through trials, tests  and a refining process to perfect all things concerning us. We are glad to be in His hands. We are glad to yield to His will even at times when it is painful. We have the blessed assurance that we are in safe hands. We are in the hands of the creator who made us ,the master builder that holds our future. The one who said the plans and the thoughts that I have for you are of good and not of evil. So let us say to Him have your way in me Lord and let your will be done.He will strengthen you in your process and preparation and take you to another level in your walk with him. God bless you