Sept 18 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Luke 9:62 & 1Kings19:19-21

You and I have been chosen to work in God’s Kingdom. God has a set plan and purpose in our lives.To extend and expand our fathers business.He brought us from darkness into his  light so that we can shine our light because of him in us. He wants us to bear much fruit for him. Jesus used this example by saying no one having put his hands to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God it’s because he will not be progressive and successful in what He is doing. In other words you cannot focus on two things at the same time.When Elijah’s  mantle came on Elisha he completely finished with the old business by putting and end to it. So that he would never return to it.Some of us haven’t put away with the old things and we are still going back to it and visiting it therefore we are facing stagnation and no movement.meditate on todays scripture and put and end to certain habits that are governing you and be set free from the old to lead a new and victorious life. No turning back dont be Lots wife. God bless you.