With HIM – All things are possible

2 Nov, 2019

Dear Beloved,

We thank God for he is in control over all our situation. God has done things that are beyond our imagination. You are going to see the might of Jesus’s power. Our God is a God who calls into existence the things that donot exist. God is assuring each of us, ‘My children – Speak my word into your situation. It will come to pass.’ There is nothing too hard for HIM. Nothing is impossible for our God. Because you are in HIM, you can do all things.

Donot limit our God. Remove the impossibilities from out of HIM. Burst out with songs and praise that Our God- He is champion. He reigns forevermore. In HIM are all things. All resources come from HIM. You shall experience Open Heavens and must learn to tap into it – Heavenly resources are at your disposal dear children of God. He has already made provision for that business, for that breakthrough, that healing , that house and job that you are looking for. your expectation shall not be cut off. A believer ought to know who He is in Christ. Dear child of God , you are hidden in Christ. You in Christ , Christ in you – the hope of glory.

Everything you need is already provided, Learn to rest in his promises – in his finished works. God says, My children read my Word. Meditate on it. For it is food unto your soul and wisdom unto your mind, power unto your arms.

I pray that may a restfulness take over your mind body and soul.

Audio sermon