You do great exploits when you know who your God is

Mar 21, 2019

Praise the Lord People of the most high God. Today’s scripture is from 1 kings 17:1; 1 kings 18:1 and Daniel 11:32
Those who know their God, they shall be strong and they shall do great exploits for the Lord. When you spend ample and solid time with God you donot panic about situations. But you are stable and strong on the one you built your life. You do not know about him, you know him. Knowing about him is knowing him through someone else’s relationship but to know him is based on your own relationship with Him. Elijah had that connection with God so he could shut down heavens by his word and he also likewise opened up heavens for rains by his word. In James 5:17,  it says that Elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed (talked to God). Intimacy makes you bold and strong & declare things, because you know the one who knows the ending from the beginning. He is the one, from whom are all things and unto Him are all things. Yearn and have that blessed connection with Him and see the power flow through you. God bless you.