Oct 25 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord, saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Hebrew 4:12 & James 3:3

The word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The word of God has the power to transform lives by changing  hearts. It has the power to change a stony heart to a fleshy heart. It gives direction by ordering our foot steps. It makes room for miracles. It travels far and wide and changes situations and circumstances. It heals delivers and sets free. It should be mixed with faith. For without faith, no one can please God. The word goes forth and accomplishes the purpose for which it has been sent. It never comes back void.James 3:3 says indeed we put bits in a horses mouth that they may obey us and turn their whole body. A horse is controlled by its head. It goes where its head goes but with a bit and a bridle in its mouth  it can be controlled. So is the word of God. Let it be in your mouth and let it control your life not your emotions and your feelings. Meditate on His word day and night. Let the word direct your life. God bless you