Being friends with God

Mar 25, 2019

Praise the Lord, children of the most high God. Today’s scripture is from Genesis 12:1-4; Isaiah 41:8

God referred to Abraham as a friend of God three times in the Bible. Refer John 15: 12-15. Jesus said to his disciples, you are my friends. If you obey my commands, you are no longer servants. For a master doesn’t reveal his business to his servants, but I will make everything know to you that my father has revealed to me. To be God’s friend, you need to spend time with him and hang out with him. Friendship doesn’t come through acquaintance, it comes through intimacy.

God called Abraham and told him to leave his kindred his father’s house and go to place which he didn’t know and he was ready and the bible records that Abraham departed.He trusted God and moved on Gods word.  Today, do you trust God for everything in your life and ready to do what God is telling you to do without backing off. Jesus said you are my friends. I lay down my life for you. What are you ready to sacrifice? Jonathan gave his Kingship to his friend David because he understood God’s plan more than his father. When you walk in intimacy with God all other things becomes less important and Jesus becomes the centre of everything. When Jesus is your priority all other things are forcing they way towards you. God bless you.