Effectual and open door of opportunity

18 Jan 2020

Audio Sermon

Dear Beloved,

God loves you too much to see you be sick, to be captive and bound, to be weak and suffer. His love for you has set you free. He has come to destroy every stronghold, pain and break every wall before you. He will pull you out of darkness and set you on his marvelous light. Don’t give up on God as he has not given up on you.  He acts on behalf of those who wait upon him.

When God is for you , who can be against you. Those who wait on the Lord, their strength shall be renewed like an eagle. Meditate on the life of David and the many challenges that he faced, and on Joseph and of Moses life.  God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you can possibly imagine. When the Lord fights your battle, you can be at peace.  Nobody can take the greatness that God has put in your life. If you cooperate with God, God shall fulfill the destiny that he has planned for your life.

Prophecy: I am making a way of escape for you.

Promise: Effectual and open doors is open unto you.

You shall be Joyous mother of children and your children shall be as olive shoots by your table and well watered.

You will fulfill the plan and purpose of God in your life but you cannot do it without God in your life. But you cannot do it without God in your life

New ideas will birth forth as you spend time in fellowship and communion with God. God is with you and will make things happen. When the set time is come, God shall have compassion on Zion

Meditation verse:

1 Cor 16:9 – An effectual and open door is opened unto me and there are many adversaries. Meditate on Mark 5:1-20. Than man who was possessed by legion of demons had a destiny to fulfill. He was crying out in bondage and was in great affliction and torment. God came through for him to deliver him and set him free despite all obstacles and storms.  In this year, help those who are in desperate need for deliverance and are in bondage. Many shall be  delivered from yoke of bondage this year and will come in right state of mind and will be sitting besides Jesus in their spiritual walk this year.

Use the word of God when you counsel other people. Be vigilant with whom you share your visions. Pray without ceasing and be sober as there is great breakthrough coming your way. There are many adversaries but God is with you to fulfill your destiny.  Be blessed and stay blessed in King Jesus name.