God gives you His Peace

Feb 07, 2019

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture readings are from Col 3:15; James 3:18 and Phil 4:7.

Peace I leave with  you, My Peace I  give unto you, not as the Peace of this world. Let us not worry. God says in John 14:27 , “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid” . He has left us with His Peace. He has given us His Peace.

So we should not lose our peace. No matter how disturbing things look like and how depressing the situation might be. God’s peace has the power to guard our hearts and minds from the lies and deception of the evil one.

Let the PEACE of God rule on your hearts. God has called you called in one body by giving us his Peace. So let us be thankful. Be at Peace. God is at work.