God is in the midst

01 Feb, 2020

Audio Sermon

Dear Beloved,

God’s word will surely come to pass. He will let none of his words to fall. Donot measure God’s word by your circumstance.  But transform your circumstance with God’s word. This month you shall experience God in new dimension. Learn to expect and expect well. The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off.

He is the one telling you – My words will never fail. Every moment acknowledge that God is in us and God is with us. The battle belongs to the Lord. When you acknowledge his presence there is sure victory.

Meditation verse:

Psalms 46:1-5 -... God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved. God shall help her and that right early.  God shall help her just at the break of dawn.

As you seek his presence, God shall fight your battles. Donot be among gosspi mongers and talebearers for it is going to be rough for those who are gossipers and talebearers. But be at places where you experience the presence of God.

Mark 2:1-4 Meditate on the scripture narrating how four friends carried  an epileptic man to meet with Jesus. True worshippers seek God’s presence and go to places to meet with God.  The friends lifted up their friend to help him encounter Jesus. Ministry is about lifting oneanother in the point of need.  They were determined to encounter Jesus come what may. Be determined with things of God. Seize the opportunity and the moment of salvation. The epileptic man went from God’s presence carrying that which carried him. Such was his reward. If you desire him diligently God will double up his factor of mercy, peace and healing in your life.


Isaiah 43:18 – I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. He will make a way for you  as you acknowledge him and expectantly seek him.

Isaiah 41:19-20 – I will plant …. in the wilderness. .. the Holy one of Israel hath created it. Come into his House seeking his presence with an expectant heart.