Mar 6, 2019
Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from 1 Cor 1:9; and Gen 3:8.
Beloved, God made you and me in His own likeness and image because he wants to fellowship and commune with us on daily basis. The Lord God, walked with Adam in the cool of the day. Likewise, God is with us and He wants to involve Himself in everything we do because He takes pleasure in us.
God is a faithful God by whom we were called into the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord. God wants us to discuss things with him. He is a God who is near. He is not a God afar off. He sticks to us closer than an earthly brother. He knows about everything that is going on in our mind. Pour out your heart to him. With our God, we shall do valiantly and always be victorious.
Acknowledge Him every moment and He will direct your path. Experience the power of the three in one – God Almighty. God bless you.