May 11, 2019
The Lord is good! Let us give radical praise to the Lord. For our God is an awesome God. Have an expectant heart and our Lord is a rewardee of those who diligently seek him. The Lord does exceedingly and abundantly more than you can imagine or think.
I will bless the Lord at all times. Our praise and our thanksgiving brings manifestation. My horn is exalted and my mouth is enlarged as the Lord rewards me and treats me as his prized possession. I am in the plan of God, my hope shall not be cut-off. God is holding your hands. Put your hand in his hand. Say to God, Lord let’s walk this journey together. God will ensure that we will fulfill the assignment that God has called us to do..,
There is somebody out there who needs encouragement, God is counting on you. Seek God’s wisdom and minister unto them. God wants to reach out to them through you.
For more of the sermon, please listen to the audio feed…
Audio Sermon
Reference scriptures:
1 Sam 2:11; Book of Ruth ; Matthew 6:33; Book of Numbers 13 & 14 on Caleb’s life and exploits; Joshua 14:11