02 Dec 2023 – Month of great breakthroughs

Audio Sermon

Dear Beloved,

The enemy plotted many things but our God didnt allow the enemy’s plan to succeed. Some of you are here alive and well because God protected you and kept you from the enemy’s plot. So we have every reason to dance, rejoice and give thanks unto our God.

From him are all things. To Him all things belong. Let us look to heaven above from where our provision comes

Brand new Kidneys, new hips  – take what you need from our Jireh God.

Colossians 3:2

This is the month of Great Breakthroughs

Job 8:7

The end of the matter is better than the begining

Ecclesiastes 7:8

Micah 2:13

The Lord will stand up for you this season

Isaiah 52:12

Stay prayerful and be sensitive to God’s move

the year 2024 – needs another level of faith.

Matthew 11:12

What does aligning with God’s breakthrough mean

– Align to God’s instructions

– Respond in Obedience

–  Follow instructions and Word of God

– Confession is important

to take you to your promises

Get ready for your supernatural breakthrough

1 Peter 2:9-10


Guard your tongue

James 4:2-3

Galatians 6:2

Proverbs 18:21

James 1:26

Proverbs 21:23

Psalms 141:3

Proverbs 15:1,4

Colossians 4:6


God bless you. Amen!