09 Dec 2023 Sermon – God’s plan for our life

Audio Sermon

Dear Beloved,

We thank God for bringing us to the 2nd week of this month. As we eagerly await to celebrate Christmas, let us thank God for his goodness and his mercy.

2 Samuel 5:17-21

17 When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel, they went up in full force to search for him, but David heard about it and went down to the stronghold. 18 Now the Philistines had come and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim; 19 so David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hands?” The Lord answered him, “Go, for I will surely deliver the Philistines into your hands.” 20 So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, “As waters break out, the Lord has broken out against my enemies before me.” So that place was called Baal Perazim.[c] 21 The Philistines abandoned their idols there, and David and his men carried them off.

You will say this was the hand of God.


God says – I am going to doenload my ideas into you. I will put my ideas in your heart to work out his plans and pusposes  through us.